Why you should have unsubscribers and don't be upset about it.

📖 Read this to decide you stay or leave - if we were a fit

January 04, 20256 min read

Hiii, story time!

ok, so to who don’t know, I send an email like this to who want to unsubscribe me, and to those prob future subscribers.

Here’s why I’m not regret people unsubscribe me.

I prob had been upset for the first time people unsubscribe me, but I’ve learned that number of subscribers is not really something you should care, I mean it is important, but it doesn’t equal with profit, if you have heard something like the more of subscribers the more sales you got.

Because if you send out useless, (well, not that useless, not that harsh), but if you don’t build a connection, a something strong, then it won’t be help.

So, this email is nothing really special, nothing offer, nothing freebies, but just some story.

I want to ask you that what is your reason that you start your own business?

If you are business owners, no matter it's a freelance, side hustle, it all counts.

I mean, of course it's for money right? It's not like hey, I build this cuz it's fun, we all need to pay bills.

I mean business, it is fun, because without fun, or if it's not something you like, it will hard to sustain.

To me, I don't really consider this a business, because it's some word that really cause traumatized, but I do treat it's like business, and treat it real and serious, because I used to hear from someone that said you only growth, or get something from it (not 100% exactly, but something like this), you have to treat it seriously.

Because you can't treat it like garbage and hoping that you would get gold?

Well, this sounds harsh, but something likes this😂.

Ok, the above traumatized thing is another story, I'll talk it in another time.

People unsubscribe me, but I'm happy!😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣

and neither should you!

Here's why:

1. Customer Service Is Not Really My Thing

Firstly, it's not really my intention nor my goal when I start "Hello, Uniques" that I will have bunch of people subscribe and let them treat me badly or having customer service constantly.

2. The Freedom to Build The Way I Want

Secondly, mostly I do, write, design, anyway, everything, in "Hello, Uniques" kinda based on moods.

And, why I'm saying this?

This one relates to the question above.

You start a business beside paying the bills, probably because you want more time with your family, want more money except from your salary, anti-social, no more conflicted with your co-workers, supervisors, like I do😂 or an introvert like me🫣.

I gotta say I have learn a lot of things since I start these, and not just business, because I feel like when I learn something in business, I also learn something about life as well.

And, here it is one of those things, which I got from my emails:

  • Time

  • Wealth (financially)

  • Location

  • ...

ok, it's prob a lot more, but so far, I only remember these. Anyway, my point is:

Build a business the way you want

Right? I mean do you want a business not only to have those freedom above but also the freedom to build the business the way you want? the business you like? the freedom of choice?

I mean there's a long of history of people trying to fight for our freedom right?

There's a reason for that right?

3. Committed to It

Not sure it's the right word, but every offers, every tips & tricks, business resources, stories like these, tons of freebies, are those things that I wish I knew before and still do.

Basically, every works I do, I deliver to you is everything I'm my best to create the best to you, everything I do is valuable, not wasting your time and actual grow your business.

It might be not the best, it might not be something valuable, it might not everything is awesome and great, but I did my best.

Because I can I promise to you that if you don't know things from me like these (doesn't have to be me), but you definitely lose more, such as losing time to find those valuable business resources.

And, one thing I learn for sure that to the old wanna-be me and the new wanna-be business owners, that if you start from 0 and know nothing about the online business then you will lose to money in order to know it.

But subscribe to my email, or awesome creators out there, you'll be able to learn, to gain access, to be able to know which right now are free, are valuable to get.

Like this year, it's very common to see free summit, free bundle, and sometimes a good valuable deals happen in limited time and you have no clue about it.

Then the things you underestimate (emails), the little things are the things that you might be regret to miss it.

4. Not Your Customer Avatar

ok, prob the right title yet.

But, here's what I mean, when you're thinking about your subscribers as your friends.

Let's think of why not having more friends? I mean, sure I've seen the more friends you got, the more everything might got easier, but have you seen those amount large friends would be able to help you get through hard time?

Here's another one.

When you talk about your private life, your deepest hardest thing to tell to everyone or anyone, you normally would only talk to a group of people or one only.

You don't talk to everyone.

When you talk about your dream, you would want to talk with someone think your dream will be achievable, your dream is amazing, or someone support it.

Prob not some who complains about it, or think that it's impossible.

Same here, think of every emails I sent is a conversation, and if they are not agree with what I said, thinking this one is something bullshit, then why you are reading to here...?

Why you have to leave a mean comment on some posts that you hate? to let's everyone know that you dislike it? most of the time, I read comments, it's not something good to read, that's why I already avoid reading it.

At the same time, my emails is more like something exclusive, like something oh, ok this is prob everyone gonna likes it, so I can share it, this is prob something that everyone would agree on.

If you are reading to here, my thank you to you for reading this long message.

I hope you success, living your fulfilled life, living your best, and be the best/best version of yourself, have a good life!

Wishing you an amazing day and a wonderful journey ahead!

A huge thank you to my wonderful readers!

Have a best life! a lovely day!


Hello, Uniques

Where Dream Is Achievable

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